


Where have all the mentors gone.

I had an interesting dialogue today with a fellow criminal defense attorney, Trace Rabern, about the basic principles of trial preparation.  We were taught to work backwards - start with jury instructions and once you've got the elements of the crime, move onto...

Scott Greenfield Day

Welcome to the first annual Scott Greenfield Day.  We will be having Scott Greenfield Day every June 7.  What happens on this day?  Nothing.  You don't get a day off or green beer.  Nothing happens.  You don't get the keys to...

A note from the beach

Yes, I'm on vacation and I'm sitting in a room with wall to wall windows looking out over the ocean.  But, the kids are asleep and the men-folk have gone to the deli to hunt down some lunch so I've got some time to kill.There was a bit of a self-created hubub...

I’m in like flynn.

When I became a criminal defense lawyer way back in the day, I started by taking on 18b assigned counsel cases in New York.  This was before I joined Terry Kindlon and worked in his shop learning how to really try cases.  They don't teach you much of that as...

Law is not baseball

Last night was a big night in baseball.  Detroit Tiger's pitcher Armando Galarraga was throwing a perfect game.  It would have been the 21st perfect game in baseball history, and the third this year.  But the umpire, Jim Joyce, blew a call.  He...


Apparently, the inner harbor of Maryland is a private location.  If you are taking pictures, make sure you have everyone's consent before you do so, because according to Maryland's finest and the prosecutors who back them, it's against the law for citizens of...

My so called (virtual) life

I am no stranger to online dating.   When I say technology confuses me, I don't mean the actual typing on the keys or google or even developing relationships online.  When I say I'd rather have someone communicate with me directly I don't mean drive...

Things I don’t understand

I am finally getting the hang of twitter and, as corny as it is, I like it.  I find I get some useful information and that courtroom hallway chatter that I've missed all these years I've been at home.  I miss the snarky sarcasm of angry lawyers and the...

Why its awesome to be new

Back in the old days (yeah, you love it when a story sounds like that) I found that I wanted to be liked.  I wanetd EVERYONE to like me, judges, prosecutors, my clients.  It's not that I didn't fight, but I just became so used to the way things were and...

I’m with Stupid.

Yesterday I was listening to CSPAN on my way to the office.  Donald Kerwan of the National Migration Institute was on discussing the Arizona Immigration Law and why it sucks.  (The program isn't actually loaded on the page yet, and to be honest, I didn't...

My PSA for the day

Muslim Advocates publishes an online book called "Unreasonable Intrusions" which gives an overview of border and immigration issues that are useful to everyone, but most particularly to muslims and people from south asia (those poor Sikh's always get lumped in with...

Soft nubby blankets of law.

Scott Greenfield at Simple Justice writes this morning of the blanket of laws we have covering just about every facet of our existence in this country.  My parents seem to be a recurrent theme these days, so let's go for another one about dad. My pop brought...
