Black and white and brown all over.

I’ve been receiving some criticism on this blog as of late.  I had a friend with whom I share a long history tell me that she was not too pleased with the incredibly legal-ish tone of it.  She reads everything I write, but doesn’t feel as if she...

A Father’s Day Post in Two Parts

PART ONE   I don’t think my husband will ever write about what it means for him to become a father.  I tend to hog the spotlight when it comes to our conception story since the physical stuff happened over here.  But he was there.  ...

Gideon’s Trumpet – Loud and Clear

I wish I could force you all to click this link and read what Gideon has written about prison.  I wish I could just reprint it here so that when it gets pushed to facebook and goes beyond the choir, you will already be face to face with it and might give it more...

You outta be in pictures.

Jamison Koehler wrote a post on watching a client’s videotaped statement, which was picked up by Scott Greenfield at Simple Justice.  I loved Jamison’s post, it showed that he is his father’s son with a knack for beautifully manipulating the...

Examples of Good Parenting

Yesterday (or was it Sunday, all the days blend together) I wrote about being the parents of three-year-old boys.  How do we prevent douchebaggary?  Or axe murdering (also a noble goal).  I appreciate all of the comments – the most ever at Not...