I’ve been receiving some criticism on this blog as of late.  I had a friend with whom I share a long history tell me that she was not too pleased with the incredibly legal-ish tone of it.  She reads everything I write, but doesn’t feel as if she has the ability to respond or comment because its all so serious and out of her league, it is no longer within her reach.  I have others who say that I’m really not a legal blogger at all, and should just resign myself to the realm of mommy bloggers since every post doesn’t contain legal headlines or supreme court decisions.

I am brown in a black and white world.

I have a good friend who is African – American.  OK, I never call her that.  I call her black.  We discuss race relations a lot.  I get to say stuff that most white people never get to say because I’m brown.  But there is a line I can’t cross because I don’t get ALL of it, because I’m not black.  There are things I can say to white folks that black people couldn’t.  But I can, because I am brown. I am in a unique position to straddle the fence, to cross-cultures, to speak in two voices.  This friend, we’ll call her Misty (as fake a name as any, what kind of black girl is named Misty?) frequently asks “whose team are you on today?”  I am a racial chameleon.  I am on neither team.  I just am.

I am in a unique position in the blogosphere as well.  I can speak to the moms, I can speak to the non-lawyers – yes, you Jen and Jen and Jenn (you think I’m kidding?)  It’s really nice and great and awesome to win the adulation of other lawyers, but all we do is spin our wheels.  When the citizenry doesn’t know, when they don’t hear or feel or care, what have we accomplished? 

So, I won’t make promises I can’t keep. Dear friend, I am a lawyer, there will be law stuff in this blog.  It can’t be helped.  I love the law and I love what I do.  I will spend time trying to help you understand what it is and why.  I will tell you about my trials and tribulations as a mom trying to build a fledgling legal practice, and I hope that anytime you want you feel free to comment on anything at all, with no fear of reprisals.  Dear legal reader, law student, or wannabe, you might happen upon notguilty on a day when she is feeling nostalgic, or frustrated.  She might be in a mood to talk about her shoes.  I suggest, on those days, you click away quickly so as not to feel disappointment.  Dear readers, I am not one dimensional, and neither is this blog.
