Apr 16, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
We’ve had a good run, haven’t we? It was nice back when I didn’t know any better and I just let you have your say, not moderating your comments which were, on occasion, not so kind and frequently, not so clever. But, I’m sorry,...
Apr 15, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
Ah, a legal post. Aren’t you all a-flutter. Don’t lie. I know you are, especially one that deals with Padilla and retroactivity. Oh, and Maryland law. Here it goes: In February, the Maryland Court of Special Appeals issued a...
Apr 11, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
There are moments when I am well. Extremely well. Thinking about work and clients and obligations that I’ve put off to tend to the needs of my family in this time of grief. And then there are days when it all falls apart and while I can go...
Apr 8, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
So while Dontrell Deaner’s judge was wise enough to halt proceedings and get him new, competent counsel before he spent the rest of his days in jail waiting for an appeal that would be fruitless, a trial judge in Michigan thought, ah hell, this fucker is guilty...
Apr 5, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
The story is all around the internet. It’s the hot topic of the week, and it should be on the lips of every criminal defense practicioner, if not every lawyer who gives a shit about the legal profession – Joseph Rakofsky, an alleged criminal defense...
Apr 1, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
So, today is April 1 – April Fool’s. It seems as if mother nature has played a great big April Fool’s joke on most of us – haha, you thought it was spring! Phhhtttt. And you know, that’s ok. I mean, I’m just a mere human...