I totally missed the point of my last post because I was so stressed after I re-read that last question from the bar exam, my point is that of course I get nominated for social queen of the universe for the month of february. Cheeseman just called and said his super cool lesbian jewish friend J wants to hang out tonight and do something “fun and different”. Yeah! I’m up for that. Then I got an e-mail from one of my closest friends from NY who is going to be in town on Sunday and Monday and staying at a local hotel, do I want to hang out with her? Then on the 8th there is a party at a bar around the corner for Tsunami relief and I can’t miss that because it is, like, charity and stuff. Then on Sunday I have a super bowl party. I have dinner plans with HM for V-Day (and with husband too) then on the 16th I have a job interview oh and yeah, my dad leaves for AFghanistan on the 14th so I have to go to Virginia and I’m going to a writer’s meetup on the evening of the 15th. And, I need to lose weight so I can fit into my suits or else I cannot have a job. So, I have to manage to work out in between all of that.

Now I know, this is not life-threatening or serious and I can decide not to do any of these things, but the thing is that I have not been invited to do anything at all and now I have at least five social engagements for the next month.

Wow, that sounds pathetic. Five? Wait, I cancelled another party I was supposed to go to tonight in NOVA because of studying. And it doesn’t count if I go out around here because, well, just because.

So that is why I need a dayplanner.

And I need help for my test because I is dumb.
