Taking a break, again

So, how about that Jeff Gannon, huh? Oh wait, wrong blog. Hmm. . .how about this one? He’s pretty hot. I mean, for a military guy. I’m not really digging the pictures of him urinating, and in fact, I’m not a fan of the schlong photos in general (but...

I’m going to fail

The title of this post says it all. I was overconfident and didn’t study and now that I’m looking at the most recent tests, it is clear that I will fail miserably and will be stuck paying 1000 dollars in July to fail again. I’ve never failed anything...

A completely dorky question

Okay, if a question asks “How would lawyer X use these documents” you would expect to answer as to the permissible uses of certain documents at trial, right? Like dealing with hearsay and other issues of admissibility with respect to the actual contents of...

My peeps is in style!

So I know I should be writing about my interview with the public defender’s office (they loved me, but mostly because I held back on the kung fu and went for a simple, but still mind-boggling tai chi move) but I just came back from “middle eastern”...