I wrote earlier about running in the harbor, but I realized I haven’t really blogged very much about the things I like and don’t like about living in Baltimore. So, before I go to study, I figured I’d make a list of pros and cons, that way when I decide I hate it here I can look at my list and go “oh, right, that part doesn’t suck”.


1. The harbor is really cool. They have street performers and you can sit and look at the water and the tourist.

2. The park above the harbor. It has the best view of the Bay and the harbor and the city. Wow.

3. Little Italy.

4. More tapas restaurants per capita than any other city.

5. While I can only see the yankees play a couple of times, it will only take me 10 minutes to get to the stadium as opposed to three hours.

6. D.C. = 45 minutes away

7. Philly = 90 minutes away

8. Mom and dad and little bro = 45 minutes away

9. Peeps in Albany 45 minutes by plane.

10. Mount Vernon and everything in it including Red Maple, Red Emma’s, Grand Central, The Owl Bar, BREWER’S ART. Umm. . . yes, those are all bars, except Red Emmas, which is our local, friendly anarchist bookstore. Doesn’t every neighborhood have one of those.

11. HM = 15 minutes away

12. People are super nice, so nice it makes me scared sometimes.

13. Lexington market and 4 dollar crabcakes

14. Fell’s Point

15. The fact that the Battle of Baltimore was the breaking point of the brits in the war of 1812 and that’s why we have the Star Spangled Banner

16. Our mayor is awesome (see post about my garbage cans!)

17. Very mild winters

Okay, Cons:

1. Horrible public transportation system – the light rail and the metro only run in one part of the city – North to South on the west side. It is so stupid, but apparently part of the history of corporate America. In case you didn’t know, GM used to buy trolley and light rail lines and then rip them out to make sure people bought cars.

2. Ridiculous murder rate. I think there have been like 30 murders already.

3. Cars get broken into all the time.

4. Getting your car registered is a freaking nightmare.

5. RATS!

6. Housing prices (although, much cheaper than DC and nothern VA, still outrageous)

7. RATS! Seriously, the biggest rats in the entire world.

Hmmm. . . I can’t really think of anymore cons right now, but I’m sure they will come to me. So, it looks like overall, Baltimore doesn’t suck as bad as I think it does sometimes. That’s good, right?
