Update on life. For those who are interested (I’m interested, I mean, its good to catch up with myself every once in a while).

I’ve discovered googling. I mean, I’ve googled stuff before, but usually boring stuff like work related information, you know, mostly about anal rape and the elastic nature of the sphynchter. So, the other day I was watching t.v. (we have cable!) and I saw the trailer for “Seed of Chucky” and at the end of it it says “Britney Spears does not appear in this movie”. So I was like, hey, what is up with that? So, I googled it. And, I found out that Britney was a bit upset that there is a look alike who is getting her ass kicked by Chucky and they wanted to use one of her songs in the movie and so she threatened to sue them and wanted it to be VERY CLEAR that she was not in the movie so they put that at the end. I think it is hilarious! Oh, oh Britney.

While I was at it, I decided to check Britney out, doing the whole googlel thing, and this is what I found. And this. I was f-ing amazed at how dreadfuly ugly she is.

Then I discovered this blog. One of the most ingenious blogs of all time. I stayed up half the night reading it, devouring it, and realizing that I can be smart and. . umm. . . smart, and still hate Mena Suvari.

But, I love Mean Girls. What a fantastic movie. I went to my best friend’s house on Friday night (my bestest friend in the whole world lives 20 minutes away!) and we watched it twice. TWICE! It was great the second time too. Now, mind you, I’m a movie hater. I don’t go to the movies. I try to avoid new movies especially because really, most of the time they are disappointing and then you leave and think, I’ll never get those two hours or 19 dollars back. But this movie is great. If you haven’t seen it rent it now. Especially if you loved Heathers. Then buy it.

And, I joined a gym. I was committed to the idea that I would be back to fighting weight by the time my friend Susie got married in December. Oh, December is so far away, right? So she came into town on Sunday night and we hung out and she asked me to read at the ceremony. I’m going to be reading the part On Marriage from the Prophet. It really is lovely. But, now I have just over two weeks to lose 10 pounds. What say you? I say, umm. . .no way. Eh, oh well.

Next post – how cool my new hood is.
