Well, let’s say that I’ve not been pondering so much as sitting around thinking of what to do with myself since we have no t.v. I mean, we have a t.v. but we don’t have anything that will come up on that fuzzy wuzzy screen yet. That is, not until sometime between 1 and 5 today. So, here it is 1:45 pm and I am sitting here waiting for the comcast guy to show up and put some magic back into my life.

What does one do when one has no t.v.?

Well, one does not ponder the true meaning of life. It’s very hard to ponder your existence if you’ve got nothing to compare it to. And, t.v. gives me some perspective on my life. You know, oh my life is better than Malcom’s or crap, I wish I had whatshernames outfit on the OC (actually, I’ve never watched a single episode of the OC) I thought I could do without, you know, what movies, read books, play chess – that sort of thing. Oh, but dear reader, you know better than that. I did read books, I’ve read four in the past week. And I’ve watched movies (The Great Escape and the original Thomas Crowne Affair, to name two). I’ve also gone through my entire video collection of Dr. Katz and the DVD (third season) of Family guy. Now, what’s left for me?

Well, my office just e-mailed me. Twice. Asking for my address (I don’t know why they think they don’t have it, they’ve been sending me mail every day) and then asking me to fax something to them. Yes, with my handy dandy home fax machine. I didn’t have a fax machine in my native country, did they think I’ve decided that I need one here in Baltimore? I’ve been thinking about joining a gym, and I’ve swept the house about five times. Also, I’ve met the cheese master. Yes, the cheese master. It turns out that five doors down is a cheese warehouse. Now, who doesn’t love smelly cheese? Smelly not your thing? How about a deliciously decadent triple cream? So, the cheese warehouse guy lives in an apartment he rents from our landlord, who is one of the coolest cats around. I was telling him about how I was unable to find anything but yellow cheese at the safeway (yellow cheese? where are we, wisonsin?) and he got out his cell phone and made a call. Then we were whisked away to this place, this beautiful smelly warehouse filled with the milk of goats and sheep and cows moo moo. He is my dealer now. Told me he’d get me what I wanted – wholesale! Then he put 12 different kinds of cheese into a bag and sent me home.

This is how it starts. They give you a taste to get you hooked and then. . . well folks, you know what happens then.

Anyway, its not a bad way to get introduced to the hood, having your very own gourmet cheese hookup. Now I have to figure out how to make this guy my best friend. How do you keep your cheese guy on your side. Any suggestions?
