I am supposed to argue a case at the Appellate Division in two weeks. I’m really looking forward to it because I haven’t argued there in years. During my first stint in the DA’s office, that’s all I did and it was pretty fun. Nervewracking, but fun. So I haven’t had a chance to do it since then. Now, I just get a letter from the DA’s office saying they are going to submit and not argue their side of the brief. Well, what the f? That’s not fun! It’s not an argument if I am the only one saying anything, is it? NOOOOO! It’s Not!! So, now I have a dilemma. Do I argue it anyway? Do I not? Do I go there to make my point? What? Any suggestions from my public? My public meaning. . . umm. . . . .Blondejustice and Drue.
