


A belated Mother’s Day Post in Two Parts

Warning - lots of sap ahead.  If you are brave, read on.Part One:I promised a post on mother's day and I failed to deliver, I was busy being a mother - changing diapers, time outs, Trader Joe's.  I didn't get a day off (although I did 'get' to go dress...

Fixing What’s Broke

I had a chance to talk to a friend of mine from my New York State Days.  Mardi Crawford is an attorney with the New York State Defender's Association and has her finger on the pulse of the initiatives for Public Defender reform in New York right now. I had a...

New Posts Coming Up, after I do some law stuff.

I have several guest bloggers on the docket.  Kathy Manley from my old firm of Kindlon & Shanks will be posting on a topic of her choosing.  I'm hoping I'll get that one today or tomorrow.  Mardi Crawford from the New York State Defender's Association...

Man, I feel like a woman.

I did my senior thesis on the Hegelian dialectic, using Simone deBeavoir's The Second Sex as a jumping off point.  Here's the quick rundown on the dialectic.  There is man, (yes, it must be a man in the sense that he has male parts) he is alone in...

How twitter changed my life, Part I.

1.  Before twitter I did not have a round tuit.  Now, thankfully, I have my very own round tuit.  You should get one too. 2.  Before twitter I did not know who Huma Rashid was.  I thought I was a happy girl.  That girl makes me...

All’s fair in war and war.

It was about this time last year that I ventured back out into the world.  I started doing document review, figured I'd apply for jobs and if something stuck, great.  I was actively engaged in Afghan affairs, attending all of the conferences and seminars I...

I always feel like somebody’s watching me

I haven't had a sitemeter or any sort of analyzer on this site until this week, when my friend Jamison Koehler recommended that I find out who is reading and where they are coming from.  I resisted, but as we all know, resistance is futile.  Now, I almost...

It’s about them

I've been in my cocoon for quite some time.  It was warm and cozy.  Sometimes I'd turn on the television and there would be some bad thing on there and I would turn it off - out bad world, out!  My kids only needed Barney and Elmo, fuzzy blankets and...

In deference to Old Yeller.

Scott Greenfield was on twitter today and he accused me of being a pussy.  He asked if there was anything that moved me enough to yell.Because he yells.  And Terry Kindlon yelled.  And lots of other lawyers yell.  I don't yell.  Not...

Letter to a Young(ish) Lawyer.

What you'll read below is an email sent to me by the person I consider to be my mentor, and one of the greatest lawyers I've ever seen, Terry Kindlon.  Now, Terry is no joke.  He's tried capital cases and DWI's, if you google his name you'll see the kinds of...

Starting Over

I was away for a few days, hanging out with some women friends of mine, so I haven't been able to keep up with my daily dose of blogosphere drama.  I came back to the office this morning, put my four cup coffee pot on to brew, and sat down to read my...
