Apr 15, 2013 | Not Gulity No Way |
There is a lot going on in the news right now. Bombs have exploded at the finish line of the Boston Marathon. People are dead. Others are severely injured – run a marathon and then lose a limb or two. Speculation is rampant about who did this and why. My twitter...
Mar 29, 2013 | Not Gulity No Way |
Every day it feels like I answer the same question over and over and over again “Mirriam, how can you do it? How can you defend child molesters and rapists?” I am always amazed that no one asks how I can defend murderers (probably because most folks know...
Feb 15, 2013 | Not Gulity No Way |
Now and again I’m allowed to venture out among normal people and talk to them about the things they do and think about. It seems I do myself a disservice by only engaging in shop talk with like minded people. I mean, what’s the point of all of this...
Feb 15, 2013 | Not Gulity No Way |
I’ve joined a gym. This is probably not the most provocative way to start a blog post. If you stop reading now I will understand. I mean, I’m supposed to GRAB YOUR ATTENTION in the first sentence. There has to be a hook. A reason for you to look up from...
Jan 23, 2013 | Not Gulity No Way |
I am trying to write one true sentence. The truest sentence I know. Trying to write what I know and see and hear and do. Not to describe. But it is, indeed, difficult to come upon the past as if it was now and write it as if it hadn’t already happened. How do I...
Jan 17, 2013 | Not Gulity No Way |
So I’m clicking through my blog post drafts trying to see if something clever catches my eye and it seems I’m really good at coming up with nifty titles, but the posts themselves are empty and I’m left to wonder WHY DID I NOT FUCKING WRITE THE...