Mommy Blog Post

Warning – extensive self-absorbed commentary ahead: How could I ever have thought I could leave?  How did I think that I could simply walk away, stay home, make cornbread?  Why was I trying to put a round peg into a square hole? I am admitting this...


Today I listened to Mark Bennett.  The courthouse freaked out.  I didn’t ‘win’ in a technical sense, but the client got his day in court and I earned my keep.  Isn’t this what we signed up...

Before we discuss the law stuff.

First thing’s first, I wanted to thank everyone who took the time to vote, to comment, to tweet or to email me about the photos.  While I am more secure in my appearance now than I was when I was 16, it still took a bit of a deep breath for me to post...

Pick the Pic

Below there are three pictures that I’m thinking of using on the new website.  To the right is a poll.  Have at it! PICTURE 1 PICTURE 2 PICTURE...