Jan 14, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
I’m having fits today. How do we let this happen? Are your streets safer because the D.A. and his cohorts have convinced themselves that they’ve got the right guy even when it’s clear that they...
Jan 14, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
Yesterday, the Virginia Supreme Court nullified the Supreme Court’s holding in Padilla v. Kentucky. Basically, what happened is this, in Virginia there is a two year time limit on filing writs of habeas corpus. Since most individuals who have...
Jan 4, 2011 | Not Gulity No Way |
Yesterday was my first day back at the office. I’d been home Thursday because one of the Y’s was sick. My best friend from law school flew into town on Friday and I didn’t come into the office at all over the weekend, which is unusual since I...
Dec 30, 2010 | Not Gulity No Way |
Scott Greenfield wrote yesterday of the ABA’s forward thinking task force devoted to determining something something something about Padilla v. Kentucky with respect to criminal defense lawyers. The task force will be headed by a professor, so we have no...
Dec 16, 2010 | Not Gulity No Way |
Well, this year has been sort of a nutty one for notguilty. I wasn’t blogging and the blog was dead. It was revived. Some people started reading it. Some more people started reading it. And somehow the folks who make some sort of...
Dec 6, 2010 | Not Gulity No Way |
Here is my public service announcement for you all today. Shoplifting is bad. We know this, right? When you were a kid and walked out of the store with a kit kat or some marbles (or whatever dumb thing you had in your hand as you wandered out) your mom...