Muslim Advocates publishes an online book called “Unreasonable Intrusions” which gives an overview of border and immigration issues that are useful to everyone, but most particularly to muslims and people from south asia (those poor Sikh’s always get lumped in with us). 

They’ve also got a video called “Got Rights” which talks about what to do when the feds come a knocking.  They’ve been doing that a lot lately in the post times square roundups, and I heard yesterday that they’ve got word that attacks will be forthcoming on DC and New York within the next five or six months (I do think it wasn’t right of NPR to announce that without any more information.)

They’ve got a webinar next Tuesday at 12 pm on how to build relationships with law enforcement and to work with them in the community. 

At the end of the day, its really quite simple.  You ain’t gotta talk, so don’t.

I’m going home now.  You all take care of yourselves and each other.
