It’s 1:20 am and I am proud to announce that I finally filled in the National Conference of Bar Examiner’s online version of “my book about me”. If you had access to it (which you don’t), you could read about my professional training, jobs, education, etc. But, more importantly, you would learn some personal stuff about me. I didn’t realize that the NCBE needed to know my turn ons (long walks in the rain, furries) or my turn offs (mean people, toe fungus) but hey, I guess its important to evaluate the whole person before you go letting them practice law. The questionaire was about as long as the one for Borders, which I failed, but I’m a little more hopeful that I can’t fail telling them how many traffic tickets I’ve received (one) or how many jobs I’ve had in the past 10 years (four). I mean, I probably can’t fail, right?
But yippee! It’s done. I did it! Now I just have to send it in. And I have to get a judge to send in a reference type thing. And I have to send them cash. Lots of it. To practice law. Which I might not even want to do anymore.
In all the courtroom drama books I read, right about now is where you’d encounter that neighbor/family member/long lost friend who has been accused of a crime they didn’t commit. After reluctantly taking the case, you would begin to build your defense, all the while slowly developing enthusiasm and a renewed sense of purpose. Finally, with a triumphant cross you would get a prosecution witness to incriminate himself on the stand, proving your client innocent…unless you suddenly encounter shocking proof that the client you believed in is really (a) a brutal monster and (b) now trying to kill you.
Unless it’s a Grisham novel, in which case you become disgusted with the law and find something else to do with your life… Oh, wait…
And this is how I would come back into the practice of law? By discovering my best friend is a horrific axe murderer? Ummm. . . uhhh. . . .
I just paid almost 2k in bills this month. I’m thinking I need something, anything.
The Larry Flynt hustler club is looking for waitresses. What do you think they’ll think about a 33 year old ex(maybe) lawyer?