The Real Terminator

What’s the likelihood that those fancy Hollywood types that got Arnold elected are going to dig into their pockets next time around?

Listen, don’t get me wrong. I’m not forgetting about the victims, they need to be remembered and honored, just like the woman in the article says. But it doesn’t have to be one or the other – if you are against the death penalty that doesn’t mean you are pro senseless murder. You can protest the death penalty and still honor the victims. You can be against the death penalty and still be for people paying a price for their deeds.

On a related note, I am second chairing a case in Federal Court (drug case, go figure) and a guy came up during jury selection who looked totally norma,l and said he would execute all drug dealers, that this would be a really short trial if he were the judge and he would be able to solve two-thirds of the crime in the country. The judge told him he could get his things right away and leave.

Just another day in paradise.
