Got home this evening from the St. Michaels wine and cheese festival where I, you know, drank wine and ate cheese. Spent an hour waiting to go across the bay bridge (that bridge ain’t no joke! I had a panic attack going over it on Saturday. It is long. Long. L——O——-N——G) And so, I got home and opened the mail and what did I find. . .


The one from the BAR EXAMINERS.

I said to husband “it looks a little thick” and he looked at me and said “well, maybe they are telling you about swearing in and stuff.” And I responded, with my ususal optimism “yeah, or telling me how to sign up to take it again.”

I got up the stairs, put down my stuff, and carefully opened it and it said “We are pleased to inform you.” I don’t know what the rest of it said. But I passed. Cripey! This is good news, right?

And tomorrow I start volunteering at the Captial Defense Unit for the PD’s office.

Maybe life doesn’t suck after all. Maybe.
