So, I went to the interview yesterday and of course I wowed them to pieces. They have a temporary project that is starting on Monday and while they ‘normally wait to check references’ they were so impressed with my credentials (read: desparate to staff this project) that they wanted to offer me an opportunity to do it right away. Well, if I’m not a whore, who is?

The project entails ‘document review’ work. I told the guy I had no idea what that meant. Well, you know what it is? Discovery. That’s what it is. Going through discovery that’s been turned over. When he told me I said “you mean document review is what you call one of the things that I just call part of my job?” and he said, uhh, yeah, I guess. Anyway, here’s the part that makes me a whore:

I don’t care about the project, and the client doesn’t expect me to. I provide a service, and they provide the cash. They expect me to work long hours. And I mean, really long. Not like, oh, kind of long its really not that bad compared to the fact that I haven’t been working for five months long, but long as in 12-14 hour days for seven days a week, that kind of long.

So, I’ll be out of commission for the next five weeks. I’ll be commuting to DC via the 6:00 commuter train, and who knows when I’ll be getting home. The only benefit (other than the money) is that I’ll have ample opportunity to work on editing my book.

Now I have to meet bitbit for another date. I think I made a very good impression on her, and now she keeps wanting more. Yeah, I’m notguilty. I’m hot.
