I should be studying, and I really want to be studying, but I can’t. Not today. It is going to be 57 degrees out today. And sunny. And it’s February. So, instead, since it is only 8:30 and only 37 degrees right now, I am going to write about a couple of ‘small world’ stories. You know we all have them and when you tell someone about yours the person you are talking to always wants to tell you about theirs. So, here is my forum to tell you (or just me) about some of mine without getting one-upped, punk:

1. When my brother and I were travelling several years ago, we met a guy we’ll call Steve. We shared a room at a pensione in Florence with him and then kept travelling through Italy with him for the next week or so. One day, we were getting off a train in a really remote part of Italy. We needed to get on another train to get to Venice. As we are getting off, there is this old couple and all I can hear is some old lady long island voice saying “Stevie? Is that you Stevie?” It was Steve’s grandmother’s best friend. They were getting on the train we were getting on so they could get to Florence. They don’t ever see each other in the state’s, but ran into each other in some remote part of Italy.

2. When I was in college I helped start a coffee house in my little suck-ass college town. It was wildly popular and we had some t-shirts made, maybe only three or four dozen, we wanted to keep it ‘limited edition’. What the hell did we know? So, I am in a swimming hole in Portofino – same trip, and we are swimming around having a grand old time and then I look up and there is a woman coming down the path in one of our T-Shirts! Bizzarre. She had been to our place and like it and bought a t-shirt then had come to Italy on vacation.

3. I blogged before about my trip to London a couple of weeks ago and the drunk woman sitting next to me. No, I didn’t run into her, but yesterday as we were running through the harbor I saw the family sitting in front of me, the one to whom she was directing all of her drunkeness! When I realized it was them, I had to approach. Husband said “no, we’ll look like stalkers.” Stalkers? What? We LIVE in this town and they came to us. THEY are stalking us. So, before he could stop me I went up to them and even the little kids recognized us! They don’t live in Baltimore, in fact, they had never even been there before. They live in the same town that HM’s parents live in. Weird, huh?

I’ll leave you with three, although I can think of at least three or four more because I really should study before it gets too nice out. Or I should just have more coffee and read more blogs. I’ll let you know which I decide.
