We are trying to rent out our house since the contract for the sale fell through. Last night I showed it to three different groups of people. The first woman was very nice, pleasant, seemed normal. Her husband works construction and she’s got three teenage kids. Now, my husband and I bitched about how small our house was for the two of us and our two mutts, but compared to what we are moving in to, its palatial. And, I suppose I can imagine a family living in there and being okay with it. Anyway, the woman is lovely and she loves the house and I’m telling her about the neighborhood, about how there are apparently some domestic violence calls and a couple of car thefts, but no burglaries or assaults or whatever and she looks at me and says “Are you telling me this because of who I am?” And I’m like what? I have no idea what she’s talking about and then she says “Will you have a problem renting to someone like me?” And I’m still looking at her trying to figure out what she means. Someone with kids? With a cat? Who wears gold hoop earrings? Then I realize she thinks I’m saying those things about the neighborhood because she’s black!! Honestly, I was flabbergasted. I must have looked flabbergasted (whatever that looks like) because she quickly said there were people who did not like renting to ‘colored people’ as she put it. I know that that happens, but it really did not cross my mind so I felt really dumb and I wondered if she noticed (1) that I was a bit swarthy colored myself and (2) that I was talking to her like I liked her! So then I told her that I was telling her about the neighborhood so she would know it is safe for her and for her children. I didn’t even see that one coming.

Then, after Drue came home we got the second round of visitors. This time there were three girls, probably in their early twenties. All of them with low slung jeans, tattoos, and bra bearing tops. My initial impression was uh uh, no way. (seems I’m not so much racist as ageist) Drue went to hide in the kitchen because either (a) he was was going to make an idiot of himself at the sight of them (and really, I couldn’t blame him because they were pretty good looking) or (b) he thought it was really “funny” that three young girls wanted to rent our house (that’s what he says and I don’t buy it. I’m going with a). Well, it turns out they were really quite nice and want a nice quiet place to live. Hmmm. . . .it all sounds a bit suspicious to me but then I think of myself at 22 and then I think HOLY SHIT!!! Drue reminded me, though, that tears and vomit don’t ruin a house. I think he just wants to be able to come back to ‘check up on things’ while they live there. Preferably at midnight during a slumber party pillow fight. Because you know, that’s really what happens when girls live together.

The third couple was pretty nice, but the guy talked a lot and had a big mole on his neck. Not that I care since I don’t have to be his friend. I just have to get his money.

It’s pretty interesting, this renting business. You get to meet and talk to some wacky people. It’s a bit sad since I have lived in my little house for seven years and its seen me through a lot of rough times. Ahhh. . . .soon I will dedicate an entire post to 260. My sweet retreat.

I will post another legalish thingie in a while. But, for now, that’s what I’ve got to say.
