So, had to get my court legs back yesterday – for the first time in over a year I had to actually examine someone in court. I was a bit shaky at first, but eventually gathered a full head of steam and after several minutes had that fantastic out of body, yeah, I can do this sort of feeling. Now, mind you, I was asked to do the direct examination of our witness as he was being sworn in. Really, that’s not much time to prepare, especially when your client is on trial for first degree murder. When the partner first asked me to do the examination, I said no, I wasn’t prepared and that he should do it. I went into the hall to get the witness. As the witness was being sworn, the partner turned to me and issued the ultimate challenge “what, you can’t just shoot from the hip?” I realize that this is a very serious case, and that no one should “shoot from the hip” during any proceeding involving the words first, degree, and murder BUT I could not back down from that challenge. I looked at him like he was nuts and said “of course I can” and proceeded to muddle along, until. . . until. . . well, you know when it happens. When everything gels, coalesces, and you are in the zone and you think the whole courtroom (if you even notice there are people in the room anymore) thinks you are F. Lee Freaking Bailey.

Yeah, I rocked. I ruled. It was over in 15 minutes.

