annie, are you okay? are you okay annie?

I’m feeling the pain of MJ’s attorneys with the current ruling allowing in the testimony of the prior sex assault allegations/settlements. One day maybe we’ll be able to get into an accuser’s sexual history/history of making shit up/crazy assed mental state. We used to be able to do that in the good old days, before all of this women’s lib shit (its not what she’s wearing. Rape isn’t about sex, its about power, blah blah blah.) Well, I guess its okay if you are in danger of being put in prison for the rest of your life. Then they can bring up everything and anything, regardless of how it might appear to a jury, but heaven forbit we be able to talk about the fact that the victim is crazy, or that she sleeps with everyone in sight (on a consent defense).

It seems very unfair. And, also, the recent ruling is putting my rinky dink problems in perspective. Although, if I lose this case (and I could), my client could spend a long time in prison.

But not as long as Michael Jackson.
