


This time a victim

My parents have been victimized. They just discovered that my father's secretary has embezzeled approximately 30k in the last 6 months. You name it, she's bought it - from her health insurance to video games at Walmart to buying into credit card scams. She's lightened...

What is Lake Trout

What is lake trout, I've discovered it here. I've also discovered that there is actually a baltimore dictionary. And, if you love Matisse, the Baltimore Museum of Art has got a killer Matisse wing. It really is...

Who am I and why on earth would I go to Afghanistan

Thirty three years ago, I was born. I was born in my grandfather's house in Afghanistan, in a room reserved for the sick, or those in labor. I was born on the evening of my midwife's wedding. All of the other midwives and nurses were there in their pretty dresses...

I wrote a really long post. . . .

I wrote a really long post yesterday, deep and meaningful, about my home country and going back and my childhood. It had fabulous links to places and things. . . and then BAM! GONE! Internal error and no going back. So folks, you miss out, for now because I'm just not...

I’m sort of sad

I'm sort of sad. There, I've admitted it. I know, I know, I should be thrilled to pieces to be in this new, sort of hip city and doing new, sort of hip things. But, you know, I miss home. I mean, I still call it home even though someone else lives there now and well,...

What I’ve been doing with myself

Update on life. For those who are interested (I'm interested, I mean, its good to catch up with myself every once in a while). I've discovered googling. I mean, I've googled stuff before, but usually boring stuff like work related information, you know, mostly about...

are you kidding me?

Saw this in woman of the law's blog. It makes me want to throw up. Who are these people and why aren't they with the Taliban in...

Pondering the true meaning of life. . . .

Well, let's say that I've not been pondering so much as sitting around thinking of what to do with myself since we have no t.v. I mean, we have a t.v. but we don't have anything that will come up on that fuzzy wuzzy screen yet. That is, not until sometime between 1...

Slow trucks, even slower computers. . .

This is my first post from our third floor walkup in baltimore. Husband finally killed whatever virus was on this poor beast of a machine, and it turns out we've got wifi connections all over the place. Perhaps verizon will be getting their little "DSL do it yourself...


Yes folks, I'm here,finally! I'm writing this post from the majestic Enoch Pratt library. It really is f-ing awesome, and conveniently located to our little place in the Mt. Vernon section of town. Since i'm at the library, I have limited time but will write more next...

Will it Ever be My last day?

It is 4:39 pm and I just got a call from court saying that I can put a plea on for this Wed. at 8:30 am. Yippee. NOT! I mean, its good that I'm closing out cases, etc., but when am I ever going to get around to packing? Good thing husband is home and getting stuff in...
