On the blog and why it is what I am.

On the blog and why it is what I am.

I feel like I have to start over again. In Simone DeBeauvoir’s “The Second Sex” she writes that “[a] man would never get the notion of writing a book on the peculiar situation of the human male. But if I wish to define myself, I must first of...
Crime pays (if you can pay)

Crime pays (if you can pay)

Wells Fargo committed criminal fraud against its customers. For a thorough reporting of the insanity, I suggest reading Matt Levine’s article. Employees of the bank opened 1.5 million bank accounts and applied for 500 thousand credit cards, using their...
Your voice

Your voice

Writing seems simple – you sit down and let the words come out of you. Sometimes they flow easily, naturally. You have a thing to say and you know who your audience is. (You, gentle reader have always been my audience. I write for you even though...